We are aiming to keep alive the child in the grown man or woman with our ideas from the toy boxes from all over Europe and we also want to awaken the interest of actual youngsters. Sweet and refreshing things can be found and quite often examples from times past are the inspiration.
Street cruisers and more
What kind of universe do you enter here? All these tin, wooden and plastic-like creatures and apparatuses - relat...
The workshop Braun Vogt Wagner was founded at the
beginning of the 80s in Oberammergau. Actually Markus Wagner is the only one who keeps on going the tradi...
Ein jedes Tier hat sein Wesen und jedes Wesen hat Verwandte. Das Stofftieratelier von Katrin Aichinger ist Geburtsort wunderbarer Tiere aus Mohair und andere...
Most of Armin Kolb's work revolved in
the truest sense of the words around one small phenomenon: the
spinning top. For him, a spinning top is not just...
Mind is free and one' s fantasy even more. The Russian artist Kira
Kotliar is a magician with paper, paste and paint. Here creatures are
light and colour...
Robert Race, toy artist from Bradford on Avon, is walking along the edge
of the canal near Chiswell and is collecting driftwood. And he quotes
from Edmun...
Neil Hardy from Essex in England was an architect before he decided to
concentrate exclusively on constructing mechanical automata. For the
past ten year...
»Fliegenkopf« ist Fachjargon, ein Begriff aus der Zeit des Bleisatzes. Er bezeichnet einen Buchstaben (fachsprachlich: eine Letter), der auf dem Kopf steht, ...
It seems almost a miracle how the Autoymata miniatures of Laurence and
Angela St.Leger function in a keenly speedy manner. And not that alone;
they ...
Around the year 1800, German toy makers in the town of Seiffen in the
Erzgebirge invented tire turning to manufacture beautiful wooden toys.
Lynn Muir collects stories from the beach. The trained illustrator finds her driftwood company literally in front of her door. The reason is that she lives d...
Eine sehr abgehobene Fantasie verfolgen die mechanischen Objekte von Keith Newstead. Kindheitserinnerungen, Märchen und Sagen, Wortspiele - all das vermischt...
In those quiet intimate moments which occur during a normal
day, when you feel totally unobserved Andy Hazell has seen you. He knows
how you feel and can...
John Grayson has a rich background in metal-smithing having trained in
3D Design at Wolverhampton Polytechnic specialising in fine metal. He is
Artist Lucy Casson’s materials have already been through one
life-circle: as tins, kitchen utensils, toys or other small gadgets.
With dexterity and hum...
With skill and panache, Julie Arkell is an eloquent advocate
for both thrift and recycling. She celebrates the re-use of every last
thread, scrap of wool...
Victor Stuart Graham creates driftwood boats and endless rows of
meticulously detaled terraced houses made from selected off-cuts of ash.
That´s how he t...
Samantha herself: "I find myself preoccupied with everday life, but not my own- that of
the fairy. Consequently my sculptures place what can only be descri...
The British autoymata artist Ian McKay succeeds in combining a weathered
driftwood nostalgia whith a neat wooden toy appeal. It seems as if a
small boy w...